Thursday 16 September 2010

Lonely, Lonesome Days...


I certainly am. D:
Another lonely day in school, just me and my work. -sigh-

But that's enough of being emo! I don't wanna complain!
And I most certainly don't wanna be emo! -dies-
Since I shall be seeing my best friend again on Saturday (-dances-) I have every reason to be happy >3<
It sucks not being able to see her as much.
We will see Megaman ( ;D ) and go shopping for Pocky and...kick ass and drink cups of tea.
"And I'm all out of tea."

I love Yu-Gi-Oh! Abridged.


Another of those lovely half-hour band concerts tonight, not expecting it to go well at all.
But I'll persevere. Only one more day and then the weekend!
That makes me happy.
But still, lots of work to do tonight...


Why is my fridge making noises?

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