Monday 20 September 2010

I'm So Happy I Could...

Sweet Happy~!

I'm very happy at the moment. :3
I don't care if it's a sunday night and I have a ton of work!

I spent the weekend with my best friend, whom I haven't seen properly for nigh-on a fortnight.
It really sucks.

But now I have seen her, and it was great fun x3

Running around town eating McDonald's and Hello Panda, invading Megaman's and discussing the psycho that it Prussia from APH.

And then coupled with random Catherine Cookson, Peter Pan and more Samir x Elizabeth-y goodness, it was a pretty good weekend.

I even got a new picture of ACE OCTOBER.

And he is now on my bedroom wall. I couldn't be happier! As much as I keep saying it.

"Kyun Kyun;
Kyun Kyun;
Watashi no Kare wa

~"My boyfriend is a pilot."

He's not.

But I was listening to 'Watashi no Kare wa Pilot' by Megumi Nakajima as I wrote this, so I had to.

Anyway, I'll shut up now.

I love my life.


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